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TNT Real Time DOS-Extender SDK Version 8.0

Phar Lap Software, Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

Embedded Intel Architecture DX
DOS Operating Systems
12/3/96 11:13:00 AM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The TNT DOS-Extender SDK is a 32-bit development tool that enables programmers to build multi-megabyte real-time applications that take advantage of powerful Windows NT features. These features include DLLs, threads, priority scheduling, and multitasking, under MS DOS. The TNT DOS-Extender product includes the WinPipe VXD which enables developers to write a Windows GUI front end for their 32-bit DOS applications. The TNT DOS-Extender software runs on any DOS-based 80386 or higher PC and supports a wide range of 32-bit tools, including C and C++ compilers from Microsoft, Borland, MetaWare, Symantec, and WATCOM. In addition to the TNT DOS-Extender software, the SDK includes a 32-bit version of the Microsoft Code View debugger and Phar Lap¦s SRCBug debugger, 386|ASM macro assembler, and 386|LIB librarian.
The Phar Lap Software TNT DOS-Extender provides two styles of programming: 1) DosStyle - supports the INT 21h-based interface system to services; and 2) NtStyle - supports a subset of the Win32 API including threads. A major difference between the two programs is that NtStyle can access INT 21h calls while DosStyle programs cannot make Win32 calls. Under DosStyle programming the developed applications use less memory and simpler technology. Thereby allowing you to have more control over memory organization. The NtStyle of programming allows multiple extended-DOS programs to share a single copy of the DOS-Extender. You can write 32-bit character-based applications to run under MS DOS or Windows NT. Additionally, your applications have access to the NtStyle Win32 API subset (including threads and priority scheduling).

Tool Features:

  • Write 32-Bit Protected Mode Realtime Programs For MS DOS

  • DLLs, Threads, Multitasking, Priority Scheduling-All Four NT Classes

  • Write Multi Megabyte MS DOS Embedded Applications With 32-Bit Adressing

  • Adjustable Time Slices-As Short as 1 Millisecond

  • Interrupt Drivers For Printing and Mouse Control

  • Disk and Keyboard Drivers Allow Other Threads to Execute During Idle or Waiting Times

  • DosStyle or NtStyle

  • 216 Win32 APIs Supported

  • Trap Real Mode Interrupts and Pass to Application in Protected Mode

  • Development Platform(s):

    Same development system as required by the compiler
    MS DOS, Windows 3.1

    File Attachments:

    IA2_PL1.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80386DX - 132ldPGA
    80386DX - 132ldPQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Phar Lap Software, Inc.

    60 Aberdeen Avenue
    Cambridge , MA 02138
    (617) 661-1510

    Tech :
    Email :
    Fax : (617) 876-2972
    URL :

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